Virtual Reality II

Expanded the truth depends on adding new things to our existence; not tied in with evolving it, however about blending another counterfeit reality to our reality, improving our very own world with the utilization of this innovation. AR can have many uses, and we have all observed a considerable lot of these in movies or anecdotal arrangements that create in a speculative future. Be that as it may, today, this innovation is progressing positively.

Recently On March 23 of this year, we saw that thanks to augmented reality a dragon flew through a Baseball stadium in Korea, an event that all spectators could enjoy through sports broadcast channels for baseball fans, as this was broadcast live.

In the last blog (Virtual Reality -I)as I mentioned VR is more explorable than we know till now, before discussing further we need to classify 3 types

Let us define them in short so that we can differentiate them.

Virtual Reality: in VR user is made to feel, and see the virtual elements giving a real-life experience to the person. The best example is HTC Vive, Oculus Rift.

Augmented Reality: In AR artificial or digital elements are added to real life using smartphones. The best example is Pokemon Go.

Mixed Reality: as the name suggests that combined elements of VR and AR are experienced. This technology has started evolving .best example is of Microsofts hololens

As compared to roller-coaster rides that are exciting and bit scary, Augmented reality (AR) is a much different technology. It creates a wonderful artificial reality in our real world. This technology is seeming to be more useful in every aspect of our daily life.

 As it can cover Social media Filters or any surgical activities or navigation and shopping. AR falls between mixed reality spectrums

Types of Augmented Reality (AR)

different categories of augmented reality technology has been developed, each with differences in their principals and applications. 

Marker Based Augmented Reality

Marker based VR
marker based AR

Marker-based augmented reality: it is known as Image Recognition which makes use of a camera and a mark which is also called a QR code which is recognized by the reader and gives output.

Markerless Augmented Reality

markerless VR
markerless AR

AR of Markerless is the most broadly used application of augmented reality, it is also called as “Location-based” or “Position-based” or GPS AR, it uses the GPS, velocity meter, digital compass. All this is embedded in the device and it provides detail data based on location. A strong reason behind using Markerless Augmented Reality is that nowadays smartphones are available all over and the best is the location detecter feature provided by phones. this helps to find nearby businesses and mapping the direction.

Projection Based Augmented Reality

Projection Based VR
Projection based AR

As the name suggests, Projection-based means artificial light is projected on the real objects and surfaces. This projection-based augmented reality application allows for interaction by humans, it can sense the human touch of the projected light. This is done by the differentiation between the known projection and altered projection

The best application of projection is based on the use of laser-plasma technology which projects 3-dimensional hologram in mid-air

Superimposition Based Augmented Reality

superimpositionbased AR

In this augmented reality the original view is replaced completely of=r partially with the newly augmented view. The main role is object recognition because the application cannot replace the original view with an augmented view of the object that cannot be determined. The best example based on the consumer is Ikea augmented reality furniture catalog.

Augmented Reality transforms nature around you into an advanced interface by setting virtual items in reality, continuously. Augmented Reality can be seen through a wide assortment of encounters. We recognize 3 principle classifications of Augmented Reality devices.

The environment becomes a digital interface by augmented reality by placing virtual objects in the real world. This augmented reality can be seen in a variety of experiences. 3 categories are as below

  1.  Augmented Reality 3D viewers it allows the user to place 3d models in real life and trackers are not used for it
  • Augmented Reality browsers allow users to collect a lot of information by pointing the camera to objects like building or road
  • Gaming it creates exciting and gaming environment by using real surrounding, like a game of shooting and zombies seem to move nearby to you in surrounding and best example of pokemon go game

Augmented Reality 3D viewers, similar to Augment, enable clients to put life-size 3D models in your condition with or without the utilization of trackers. Trackers are basic pictures that 3D models can be connected to in Augmented Reality.

Augmented Reality programs advance your camera show with relevant data. For instance, you can point your cell phone at a structure to show its history or assessed esteem.

The last way that Augmented Reality is commonly experienced is through gaming, making vivid gaming encounters that use your genuine environment. Envision shooting match-ups with zombies strolling in your room! The greatest utilization of Augmented Reality gaming to-date is Pokémon Go, enabling clients to get virtual Pokémon who are hidden in present reality.

Types of Virtual Reality Devices

Most of the systems creating virtual reality require your pc and HMD which delivers the imagery integral for creating a virtual world.

There are many HMD’s available today where few are affordable and some are expensive. The best example is Google Cardboard even if it is cheap but can be used with your smartphones. It is GOOGLE that made it easy for anyone to experience the Virtual Reality

Window on World

window on world

This virtual reality system is widely used for visualizing Medical procedures like surgeries or colonoscopies. It also can be used for training.

Immersive System

immersive system

Immersive System is different than Window world, where the user wears the headset and makes the user field existing in the virtual world, surrounding along with sharp visual and audio



Telepresence has a meaning like a tele, “at a distance”, and presence, “being present”.

The sensors controlled remotely by the user. examples like drones as being operated via telepresence VR, bomb disposal robots, undersea exploration.

Mixed Reality

mixed reality VR
Microsofts hololens to design car-FORD

The last kind of virtual reality is Mixed Reality. Here the computer-generated inputs are mixed with telepresence input, or vision of user from real-world to give out virtual output.

Best example like pilots views in fighter plane where the map and data are displayed inside his helmet or patient information that can be seen during complex surgery.

Mixed Reality (MR) is utilized as an autonomous idea. We can arrange the truth advances, as referenced in the reality-virtuality continuum.

Mixed Reality Definition (Continuum)

The scope of constant scale that covers every single imaginable variety and pieces of genuine and virtual articles. The continuum ranges from a totally genuine and regular habitat to a totally virtual condition. The idea was first presented by Paul Milgram.

we are moving forward towards Digital Transformation

  • john

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