Virtual Reality- I

What is virtual reality?

When we hear the term virtual reality, the first thing that comes to our mind is image created by Computer graphics (CG), in real world, where user sees with real world focus, but additional elements are added to give you a reality experience. these elements do not exist in reality but give a real feel, touch and you can see it.

WE can remember this scene from movie Avengers.that shows AR / VR technologies

This virtual reality has been used everywhere from the healthcare tech industry to retail and even manufacturing –

  • Recruitment and Training. …
  • Work Collaboration in the Workplace. …
  • Training Medical Students. …
  • Training on Social Cognition to Manage Autism. …

who invented it

Jaron Lanier (born 1960), American computer scientist, wearing a VPL Research Data Glove. At this time Lanier was head of VPL Research, which was developing virtual reality systems. The black rubber glove contains fibre optic sensors that transmit the user’s movements into a computer-generated virtual environment. The user’s view of such a world is projected by the computer into a head mounted display (on top of monitor). Photographed at VPL Research, Redwood City, California, USA, in 1990.

VR or virtual reality came into real picture in around 1980’s .it was started by Jaron Lanier, he was the founder of VPL research. He had started to make Gear which included goggles and gloves. It was the beginning of devices we are currently using with more advanced features.

How was its invention started first.

you will be more surprised to know that virtual reality concept came into imagination much before that in 1930 . it was in fiction story “pygmalion’s spectacle” which was written by Stanley G. Weinbaum.

He showed the imagination by the idea of goggles that gave the experience of fiction world to the wearer.photographic projection was used to create 3 dimensional images.user can touch ,smell,taste. And all this came into reality till late 1980’s

However later, while technology and science was evolving, another invention came into existence that was Sensorama in 1956.

it was invented by Morton Heilg’s who was with background of Hollywood motion picture industry.the reason he invented sensorama was because once he thought how will people feel like they were in movie. Sensorama gave simulated experience of real city, where you rode on motorcycle, you can see the road, hear the noise of engine, feel the vibration and much more.

Later in 1960 Telesphere mask was invented by Heilig’s .

 he is called as father of virtual reality . it was first VR which was mounted on head display or(HMD) which provided a 3d stereoscopic and wide vision along with stereo sound.

where is it used now

A few innovative professionals are now even using augmented reality in their business cards.

Best examples of virtual reality technology.

IKEA Mobile App

IKEA is well known in the technological world as first company to use virtual reality well.

The retailer began to experiment with virtual reality in 2012. when shoppers could use the app to see how furniture would look in different places in your house. IKEA is developed further with its IKEA Place app, which can allow you to select anything from the store’s catalog and see how it will suit  to anywhere in your house.

Nintendo’s Pokémon Go App

The sudden trend of 2016 was, Pokémon Go which allowed users to catch their favorite Pokémon by looking through their smartphones at the real world – all this was superimposed images.

Google Pixel’s Star Wars Stickers

Everyone is aware of “Stars Wars: The Last Jedi” in theaters and also must have watched on TV  this past December – a commercial.

Lenskart The Lenskart app and website in india both support the ‘3D Try On’ feature. and for Furniture in india- on pepperfry and color paints on Asian Paints have also emerged with AR

And latest upcoming is

Concept used for firefighters that can save life’s by predicting and finding much more accurately

Know much more in detail but click on below link.

if you must have read the content above and you must have came across 2 words  “Virtual Reality” and “Augmented Reality” and you must be thinking both mean the same.Let me tell you it’s not so…

Augmented reality (AR) adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. Examples of augmented reality experiences include Snapchat lenses and the game Pokémon Go. Virtual reality (VR) implies a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world.

 (AR) adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. Examples of augmented reality experiences include Snapchat lenses and the game Pokémon Go. Virtual reality (VR) implies a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world.

There is one more term called as Mixed Reality.

That sounds interesting. but we shall see much more about it in next blog, till then stay tuned with newwebera

  • john

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