Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

what is business intelligence?

BI(Business Intelligence) is a set of processes, architectures, and technologies that convert raw data into meaningful information that drives profitable business actions. It is a role of software and its services to change data into actionable intelligence and knowledge.

BI has a direct impact on the organization’s strategic, tactical and operational business decisions. BI supports fact-based decision making using historical data. rather than assumptions and gut feeling.

Business Intelligence tools provide services like  data analysis and create reports, summaries, dashboards, maps, graphs, and charts to provide users with intelligence about the nature of the business.

For what reason is business insight required

a.           Measurement: making KPI (Key Performance Indicators) in light of noteworthy information

b.          Identify and set benchmarks for differed procedures.

c.           With BI frameworks associations can recognize advertise patterns and spot business issues
that should be tended to.

d.          BI helps on information perception that improves the information quality and in this manner
the nature of basic leadership.

e.           BI frameworks can be utilized by undertakings as well as SME (Small and Medium

what we give in business insight.

BI counseling. We enable our clients to build up a BI procedure, guarantee information quality, plan or advance BI engineering and mechanize answering to fulfill our clients’ needs in educated basic leadership and amplify the ROI of a BI venture.

BI improvement. We furnish our clients with a hearty BI condition. Contingent upon our client’s business needs, our BI administrations cover equipment counseling, recommending a pile of advances, building up an information distribution center, setting up ETL and information cleaning forms, conveying OLAP/ROLAP frameworks, just as moving programming licenses.

Data perception. With information representation in our arrangement of BI administrations, we enable our clients to look past the figures, center around the imperative data and promptly detect any progressions and patterns. Moreover, we tailor reports and dashboards to client jobs, fathom security challenges, create variants for cell phones.

Testing. We build up a BI arrangement, as well as ensure that it keeps running as expected. Consequently, we convey an information stockroom and ETL testing, OLAP and report testing, just as load and execution testing.

BI wellbeing check. We bolster those clients who as of now have a BI arrangement set up.however aren’t sure if they benefit as much as possible from it. We can review the answer to see whether the advances utilized are good if the procedures work appropriately if there are any potential outcomes for development.

Some of the best BI Tools I have found

1.  QlikView

qlik view
Qlik View

           qlik view is One of the fastest Business Intelligence and Data visualization software applications. Its best feature is strong data recovery and interactive guide analysis.

It is required for the companies as it is the most secure, flexible and consistent with global search as well as in data integration along with advanced reporting.

Software is most easy to learn, with the associated engine, powerful augmented intelligence and governed multi-cloud architecture it supports a full range of analytics at all scales.

2.  Microsoft Power BI

Power BI

 Microsoft Power BI is a BI platform that provides nontechnical business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data.

The data models created from Power BI can be used in many different ways in organizations, including telling stories using charts and data visualizations and examining “what if” scenarios within the data.besides this Power BI reports can therefore answer questions in real-time. help with forecasting to make sure departments meet the metrics of the business.

3.  Tableau


Tableau is more flexible and possesses easy deployment as compared to other tools for Data Visualizations. Some other features are like

•             Suits Variety of Organization

•             Attractive Dashboards.

•             Handles Many Data sources like OLAP, SQL Server, DB2.

•             Connection with Programming Languages like R , Python.

•             Tableau Community and bloggers.

4.  Domo

Domo is one of the first cloud business intelligence tools which has been designed to consolidate an organization’s data into one easy-to-use. self-service solution that suits all types of business roles. so that data can be accessible to anyone. and need to make better decisions in real-time.


one wonderful quote i have heard

BI is about providing the right data at the right time to the right people so that they can take the right decisions

  • john

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